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INTERN <span>Resources</span>



By Will Green, Copywriting Intern, Digitas Health

The term “going back to the office” meant nothing to me. Going back somewhere implies returning to a place from where you’ve been before, and as a summer intern at Digitas Health, there was no place for me to go back to. It was just going to the office. Before this summer, I hadn’t stepped within 500 feet of any office, let alone go into one for a real-life, paid job.  

The building where Digitas Health—as well as several other Publicis-owned agencies—is located in Philadelphia has always fascinated my mom because it's in the famous Wanamaker Building, which happens to be the setting for the 1987 film, Mannequin. It’s one of those 80s movies that doesn’t hold up all that well today. Sure, Mom. 

But on my first day in the office, I finally understood the excitement going into the office. Despite many employees still working remotely, there was still an energy in the air right upon entering the building. Either that or I was too scatterbrained about how I did not even know what floor the agency was on. My only way of finding out was having to go back down the elevator and ask the front desk. That’s right. Instead, I pretended to know what floor the office was on and guessed once I got in the elevator. I was wrong. Here’s a pro tip: Know what floor your agency is on BEFORE entering the elevator. 

Let me be clear, I love working at home. I don’t have to wear weird, collared shirts that I only put on for work; I don’t have to see other people; and I have my cats to keep me company and walk all over my keyboard. However, working from home is missing something. I am very much an introvert, but I immediately found out there is no need to worry in the office. Everyone in there is friendly and more than willing to have a chat with an intern, or at the very least, throw a smile your way. 

At Digitas Health, there is not a feeling of full-time employee versus intern. There is a real sense of belonging that comes from the culture of the office and the camaraderie of finally being together. Everyone treats you as the employee you are instead of just a passerby. Now I can only speak for the folks at Digitas Health, but I’m sure the people at whatever agency you land will be just as great.  

When I’m in the office, I have my intern partner Leah right next to me where I can bounce an idea off her or more importantly, ask her a ridiculously random and distracting question that will keep our brains occupied for at least 10 minutes. On our second day in the office, Leah and I had a thirty-minute conversation with President of Digitas Health, Eric Muller, about what fruit we most identified with. Thirty full minutes about fruit. That’s the kind of inclusive culture I’m talking about. 

I’ll leave you with some unsolicited advice my dad gave me before my first day in the office: Act like you belong. Get to know the other employees over the course of the summer, say hi to people in the hallway or at the very least smile their way. Chances are good that they don’t even know you’re an intern. (Or they will, based on how you dress, because you will dress differently than everyone else.) So, whether it’s going back to the office or if you’re like me and just going to the office, go in with an open mind and confidence to act like you belong there. 

Will Green is a 2022 Copywriting Intern at Digitas Health in Philadelphia. He graduated from Temple University in the Spring of 2022 with a Bachelor of Arts in Advertising with a concentration in copywriting. He fittingly landed a copywriting gig at Digitas Health soon before graduation and hasn’t looked back since. Outside of the wonderful world of advertising, Will likes to play the guitar in his basement alone.

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